Monday, January 27, 2014

Karma Police

The idea of karma is something that both astounds me and scares me. This could be because I am just not understanding it properly. This life is not so bad, I guess. "First world problems" do not seem so bad when compared to my other options. But there are so many things that I just do not understand.
Is my idea of a "good life" subjective?
There are people in the world who have far less than me but who are happy as clams. I am sure there are even more people who have a lot more than me who are absolutely miserable. Yet some of us still look down upon those who have less and envy those who have more. It is my understanding that to live is to suffer and the only way to achieve enlightenment or true happiness is to go "home." So essentially the only people who have enriching and fulfilling lives are those who are not living at all.
So what life am I in?
Was I good in a past life and I am currently being rewarded for it or was I this horrible, wretched person who now has to be punished for it? Is this my first life? My last? What will I be in my next? What was I in my past? Sometimes I wonder if my spirit knows all of these things. Do my interests and fears stem from my past lives? Was I once a cat? Was I alive during the Salem trials? Was I once raped? Did I once lose everyone that I loved? Did I once die falling off of a cliff?
That is such an interesting thought though.
As a psychology student I like to look at what shapes a person's personality. We have all heard of the nature versus nurture argument but we do not necessarily take other explanations into consideration. What if our current selves really are shaped by our past lives?

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