Monday, February 3, 2014


It's funny who is who will be there for you when you need it the most. Never in a million years would I ever have thought that he would be there for me the way that he is. We have history, you know? Some of it good, most of it bad. But we have history. And he loves me. I know that he does. Not in love with me, of course. Not that I want him to be. But he does love me. And I love him too. Somehow we managed to be friends after all of the crap that we put each other through. Our friendship is far from perfect but in some crazy way it works.

But what about him? The other him, I mean. The mister, if you will. I could love him if he'd let me. I could. I could kiss away all of the painful memories and make him understand what it means to be loved fully and unconditionally. I could protect his heart forever and make sure the no one else ever caused him any harm. I could shower him with love and affection every single day and let him know that he means the absolute world to me. I could do it all for him if he'd let me.

I just wish he'd let me.

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